Field Definitions
Field Name |
R/O/C |
Description |
R |
An organizational unit responsible for distributing certain products or services and negotiating sales conditions. In SAP, any number of distribution channels and divisions can be assigned to a sales organization. Example: 1080 |
R |
Way in which products or services reach the customer. Typical examples of distribution channels are wholesale, retail or direct sales. Within a sales organization, it is possible to deliver goods to a given customer through more than one distribution channel.
Example: 20 |
R |
A Site is a location that holds inventory and where articles are procured, or goods and services are provided. Sites can be physical or logical. For Limited Brands, Sites are identified as either a store, a LBI owned distribution center, a managed vendor distribution center or a production office. Example: CHVM |
R |
The smallest unit that can be sold to a customer or replenished individually using replenishment planning. An article is also the lowest level at which inventory can be managed.
Example: 36000050 |
O |
SAP code that identifies a customer. A customer is a business partner who orders goods and services.
Example: 10000001 |
R |
Date on which a contract becomes valid.
Example: 03/29/2007 |