Field Definitions

Field Name



Sales Organization


An organizational unit responsible for distributing certain products or services and negotiating sales conditions.  In SAP, any number of distribution channels and divisions can be assigned to a sales organization.

Example:         1080

Distribution Channel


Way in which products or services reach the customer.  Typical examples of distribution channels are wholesale, retail or direct sales.  Within a sales organization, it is possible to deliver goods to a given customer through more than one distribution channel.

    If Key Combination does not include Customer, a Distribution Channel range may be entered.  Enter beginning range in the Distribution Channel field and ending range value in the to field.

Example:         20



A Site is a location that holds inventory and where articles are procured, or goods and services are provided. Sites can be physical or logical. For Limited Brands, Sites are identified as either a store, a LBI owned distribution center, a managed vendor distribution center or a production office.

Example:         CHVM



The smallest unit that can be sold to a customer or replenished individually using replenishment planning.  An article is also the lowest level at which inventory can be managed.

    Entering a range of article numbers will select the specific list of articles to be selected. The list of specific articles can be entered using the multiple selection window.

Example:         36000050



SAP code that identifies a customer. A customer is a business partner who orders goods and services.

    If Key Combination does include Customer, a Customer range may be entered.  Enter beginning range in the Customer field and ending range value in the to field.

Example:         10000001

Valid On


Date on which a contract becomes valid.

    The system defaults the current date here. Enter the beginning date for the validity period you want to select. The system will display records from this date forward.

Example:         03/29/2007

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