Maintain Pricing Condition Records - VK11, VK12, VK13 (VK11, VK12, VK13)


When To Do This

Perform this procedure when there is a need to create a new Pricing Condition record, to change an existing Pricing Condition record, or to display specific Pricing Condition data.

Business Process Overview

Pricing is a business procedure where conditions like Vendor Managed Inventory Price List, Discounts, and Customer Allowances etc. are created and maintained. These conditions will be brought into the Conditions tab in sales orders and billing documents.

Condition records are Master Data and are generally maintained by business users. Condition Types are configuration and are maintained by the SDCC.

This BPP should be followed whenever there is a need to create a new condition or change an existing condition.

Several pricing condition types have been defined.  Each condition type defines a specific type of pricing conditions.  Some examples of pricing condition types are: price lists customer discount, freight, sales tax, surcharges, and mark-ups.  For each pricing condition type, there is a combination of hierarchical data items pertinent to the condition type that must be provided.  These pertinent data items are termed, key combinations.  As an example, a wholesale discount may apply to the complete Sales Organization / Distribution Channel or may apply to a specific customer or customer(s) within the Sales Organization / Distribution Channel.  In this example, Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Customer would be considered a key combination. Likewise, a VMI price list will be maintained for a specific site and customer combination. This requires a key combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel. Site, Article, and Customer.

After specifying the pricing condition type and applicable key combination, the pricing condition value and validity dates are defined.

The basic process steps are:

·         Determine the Pricing Condition Type impacted

·         Indicate Key Combination fields and values

·         Enter the Pricing Condition value

Provide a range of dates representing the validity period of the Pricing Condition for the Key Combination specified.


Input - Required Fields

Field Value/Comments

Pricing Condition types

Key Combination values

Pricing Condition value

Validity period





Output - Results

Next Steps

The condition records created or changed

Sales orders with these conditions can be created


Key Notes

In this procedure a VMI price condition is being demonstrated.  However, as mentioned in the. Business Process Overview, the same procedure can be used to create discount or freight or surcharge condition records.  These variations will be covered in training


There is a need to create a new pricing condition that will apply to external sales.  Examples of pricing conditions are:  standard price, VMI price, net price discount, gross price discount, sales tax on an order, quantity surcharge and extra processing charge.  This pricing condition will apply to articles, customers and/or sales organizations as specified.


Use the appropriate procedure to complete the exercise scenario on the system.  As you progress through the scenario, complete the questions associated with each exercise task on the following pages.

Required Data

This section provides the field data required to complete this exercise.  Refer to this data sheet as necessary while performing the exercise.



Condition type


Sales Organization


Distribution Channel









Student choice

Scale value

Student choice


Student choice


Use the appropriate procedure and data provided to complete the following tasks.  After each task, answer the question(s).

Section 1 - Create Pricing Condition

p       Create Condition Records - perform the required steps.

What is the description of the Condition type entered?

VMI price


p       Key Combination - perform the required steps.

What is the purpose of the Key Combination?

The Key Combination is used as a grouping for how to apply the pricing condition - which sets of data will the pricing condition apply to.

Does the Key Combination options vary by Condition type?


Which Key Combination option should be chosen to have the pricing condition apply to a specific customer (or set of customers)?

Sales org./Distr Chl/Site/Article/Sales Unit/Customer


p       Create XXXX Condition (XXXX): Fast Entry - perform the required steps.

What are the default values for Valid From and Valid to?

The default value for Valid From is the current date.  The default value for Valid to is 12/31/9999.

What are the values for Valid From and Valid to that you used?

Varies by student


p       Create XXXX Condition (XXXX): Scales - perform the required steps.

Can a scaled percentage amount be applied to a ZR02 Condition type?


What would be a Condition type that could utilize scaled pricing condition percentage

ZD01 Customer Discount, ZF01 Freight and others


p       Wrap-up question:

Will the new Pricing Condition be retroactive for all sales orders matching the Key Condition specified?



Section 2 - Change Pricing Condition

p       Change Condition Records - perform the required steps.

What can the  button be used for?

To retrieve a pricing condition based on a Sales document


p       Change XXXX Condition (XXXX): Overview- perform the required steps.

Describe a quick way to change the Valid to value for all customers listed?

Use the icons at the bottom of the screen.

 to select all items displayed and  to enter validity period values to be applied to all selected items.


1.       Please refer to the "Internal Controls Procedures" for manual procedures that are critical to ensuring an effective control environment for this activity.

2.       Perform one of the following:

    This BPP uses a price list condition type to illustrate the transaction.



Go To

Creating Pricing Condition record

Use transaction code VK11

Step 3

Changing an existing Pricing Condition record

    The example used is changing the price of an article effective from the 1st of next month.


Use transaction code VK12

Step 11

Displaying an existing Customer Discount condition record

Use transaction code VK13

Step 24

This activity is complete

Exit this transaction

Step 32

3.       Enter transaction code VK11 to create a new pricing condition record

      Create Condition Records

4.       As required, complete/review the following fields:

·         Condition type


5.       Click  .to display the Pricing Condition entry screen

    VMI Price Condition (ZR02) is used for the Lane Bryant Price list. It will apply when selling inventory out of the VMI inventory site at ODW Chicago.

      Create VMI Price Condition (ZR02) : Fast Entry

6.       As required, complete/review the following fields:

·         Sales Organization

·         Distribution Channel

·         Site

·         Article

·         Sales unit

·         Customer

·         Amount

·         Valid from

·         Valid to


7.       Click  before entering validity dates (Valid From, Valid to).

         The system will populate default values for validity dates.

      Create VMI Price Condition (ZR02) : Fast Entry

8.       Click   to save the condition record

    The system displays the message, "Condition Record Saved".

9.       Click  to exit transaction.

10.     Return to step 2 to select another procedure

11.     Enter transaction code VK12 to change an existing pricing record.

      Change Condition Records

12.     As required, complete/review the following field

·         Condition type

13.     Click  to display the selection screen.

      Change VMI Price (ZR02): Selection

14.     As required, complete/review the following fields:

    The system treats the selection criteria in a manner where more selection elements entered narrow the selection.

·         Sales Organization

·         Distribution Channel

·         Site

·         Article

·         Customer

·         Valid On

15.     Click  to retrieve the condition record(s).

      Change VMI Price Condition (ZR02): Overview

16.     As required, complete/review the following fields:

    A change is made in this example where the price changes from $8.82 to $9.00 effective 29th of next month.

·         Amount

·         Valid From


17.     Click  to pull down the list of dates from the calendar in the valid from field.


18.     Click   to select that date.

      Change VMI Price Condition (ZR02) : Overview

19.     Click  to enter the changes made to the price and Valid from date.

    When the Valid from or the Valid to dates are changed the system always generates a warning message saying the validity period has been changed.

    Follow the same steps for making changes to the Valid to date.

20.     Click  to save the changes

21.     This activity is now complete.

22.     Click  .to exit transaction

23.     Return to Step 2 to select another procedure.

24.     Enter transaction code VK13 to display an existing condition record.

      Display Condition Records

25.     Select Condition Display F9 from the Menu bar.

   Display VMI Price (ZR02): Selection



26.     As required, complete/review the following fields:

    The system treats the selection criteria in a manner such that more selection elements entered narrow the selection.

·         Valid On

27.     Click  to enter the VMI Price Overview screen.

      Display VMI Price (ZR02) : Overview

    If no article is selected, all articles for this customer/site combination will be listed.

28.     Click  to view the Header level view of the Pricing Condition record.

      Display VMI Price Condition (ZR02): Header

29.     Click  to view the additional sales data for the condition record.

      Display (VMI Price): Additional Sales Data ZR02

30.     Click  to view the Overview screen of the condition record.

      Display VMI Price ZR02: Overview

31.     Click  .to exit transaction.

32.     This activity is now complete.


Pricing Condition record is created, changed and displayed and can be used in Sales order creation.

